The Mi-go, with their untoward influence over the planet-shattering path of Ghroth, may have instigated the obliteration of Shaggai for some inscrutable purpose.
Albeit here for inscrutable purposes the spirit is only to be discerned as it were in a distorting-glass.
Among the machine images are Picabia's delicate and intricately painted gadgets of inscrutable purpose, often erotic metaphors: portraits, as it were, in pipes and gears.
Fears that the world may soon end are no longer associated with God's inscrutable purpose, but with the human invention of the force of nuclear annihilation.
They had tapped and stored his memories, for their own inscrutable purposes.
They appeared to be in at least temporary control of the sprawling site, setting up checkpoints, conducting surveillance and even detaining visitors who did not suit the fighters' inscrutable purposes.
Bioengineered by an alien race for inscrutable purposes, they are held in suspended animation in large Vaults on the quarantined world that shares their name.
For Evola, spiritual forces shaped races for their own inscrutable purposes.
And the Hierarchy must be concealing the fact from him for its own inscrutable purposes.
She stood looking at us without a stir, and like the wilderness itself, with an air of brooding over an inscrutable purpose.