During the early evening, they are active and move to lights to catch the insects attracted to the lights.
The insects attracted to the insectary plants will also help the other nearby garden plants.
Fred Sterling thought some flying insect had attracted the bats.
The insects attracted to the sap are also consumed, and not only by sapsuckers.
If the compost pile was stored outside, it may contain grubs or other insects attracted to decaying matter.
They can often be seen on windows or near lights at night, huntingthe insects attracted to these light sources.
The sweet sap attracts insects, which become tangled in the stickiness and are then easy prey for the sapsucker.
It had been long known that insects attract each other for mating purposes by means of smell.
Other insects attract their mates by exploiting the third of the senses, smell.
So, by sight, sound and smell, the adult insects attract their mates.