These insect will not evolve resistance to GM technology.
Over the next several thousand years, insects may evolve a new "program" that allows them to better cope with artificial light.
As insects evolved to avoid the brightest leaves, natural selection favored trees that could become even brighter.
It begins with insects and birds, nature's first aerial navigators, then evolves into flying machines.
With their shorter life spans, insects evolve faster than other creatures.
Some insects have evolved the ability to deal with Lonchocarpus toxins and feed on these plants.
By 300 million years ago, other insects had evolved folding wings.
Some insects have evolved this system to hypermetamorphosis.
Some insects evolved other wing features that are not advantageous for flight, but play a role in something else, such as mating or protection.
In order to deal with this ongoing escapist battle, insects have evolved a wide range of defense mechanisms.