Outsized flying insects hummed angrily around the area, then shot off in search of other prey.
On the olive trees the cicadas sawed the air, and brilliant insects hummed in the burning light.
Birds called, insects hummed, a light breeze hissed through the trees.
Not an insect hummed, and the only sounds were those of men and horses climbing the narrow trail.
Around them, the forest lay still-no bird sang, no insect hummed.
The silence became utter; not even an insect hummed.
The silence stretched on, while insects hummed and the little river murmured around rocks and snags.
All about them, night birds sang, insects hummed, and the faint rush of the river's swift waters murmured in the distance.
The autumn flowers were gone and insects hummed in the wintry tangles.
Each insect in the Kentucky night hummed its own little tune with its wings.