The sterile insect technique worked; near eradication was achieved using X-ray sterilized flies.
The sterilizing effects of ionizing radiation are useful for cleaning medical instruments, food irradiation, and the sterile insect technique.
New programs are being developed, including the use of chemically sterilized male lampreys in a method akin to the sterile insect technique.
The sterile insect technique has been used to reduce tsetse populations.
The sterile insect technique has recently been used on Zanzibar, an island off the coast of East Africa.
There have been studies involving Chrysomya bezziana and the sterile insect technique.
Mosquitoes can be controlled with pesticides, and it is possible that the sterile insect technique will be used in the future.
In particular, use of the sterile insect technique has allowed the species to be eradicated from several areas.