During the comeback portion of his career, Phoenix went back to his given name "Joaquin", and was often cast in supporting roles as conflicted, insecure characters with a dark side.
Early on in his career, Phoenix had often played supporting roles as conflicted, insecure characters with a dark side.
Grint observed a change in Ron in this entry, pointing out that his once insecure, often overshadowed character started to become more secure and even began to show a dark side of himself.
This is the same Arden who, in another episode, initiated a one-night stand with Eddie, the cast's token overweight, insecure character.
As the attachments develop, the poor students commence to display gifts and talents that prove them equal to or intrinsically superior to the arrogant, insecure characters in whom they've become interested.
Despite his hostile temper, the series explores Jay as an insecure character, with confidence issues surrounding his body.
Having grown up in Cork, in southern Ireland, Mr. Murphy said that the inarticulately insecure character he plays is wholly recognizable.
She became famous after her role as Rê, a very insecure and innovative character, in Malhação soap opera.
Mary Dunleavy, singing with a silvery, pealing soprano, copes well with the monumental task of impersonating Strauss's volatile spouse, though she does not solve the problem of making this painfully insecure character entirely sympathetic.
In "Hurrah at Last," he takes his sharply observed points and plunges them into the backs of these selfish and insecure characters.