They depend on larger companies for a market niche, and often provide low-paid and insecure jobs.
Is it better to have an insecure job or no job at all?
At the same time, however, we have seen social marginalisation and an increase in the number of insecure jobs.
True, but most of them are insecure jobs.
Is it a solution to transform citizens' demands for full-time, secure work into flexible and insecure jobs?
Thanks to the crisis, the number of insecure jobs and compulsory part-time positions are increasing.
They are also, as in other areas of activity, hit particularly hard by unemployment, insecure jobs, low wages and poverty.
I should also like to signal the continuous creation of insecure jobs.
Women, who have entered the world of work in massive numbers, mostly have insecure or part-time jobs.
Most of them have worked at some time, usually in temporary or insecure jobs.