While members of either body may insert material into Extensions of Remarks, Senators rarely do so.
By almost every account, Bennett treated them high-handedly, at times inserting material into their script without bothering to consult them.
Legend had auctioned off the opportunity to insert new material into the film through two auctions on eBay.
Producers update the wheel throughout the day, inserting new material as stories are filed and updated information becomes available.
To insert (material) into a text or insert into a conversation.
The most common form of genetic engineering involves inserting new genetic material randomly within the host genome.
Editing can also be done during the dubbing by inserting or deleting material on the tape.
The process is frequently used as a vector in genetic engineering and transgenics to insert genetic material into a single cell.
But the director cut much of what Mr. Hochhuth wrote and inserted new material, outraging the author.
She seemed to insert new material as it popped into her head.