Readers can search the news in the past by inserting the dates or key words of the news.
He was famous for inserting words and phrases which had no place in reports of a semi-decent club side.
A file-builder is included to allow players to insert new words in the data base.
Jessica invariably found herself wanting to insert words for him just to speed him up a little.
The problem, industry critics say, arises when programmers insert hidden key words that have nothing to do with the subject of the site.
Do I insert words in my protagonist's mouth that would issue more appropriately from Wolfe's?
Occasionally he inserted words of explanation when the red-headed girl overlooked some detail.
Now you insert words into a story instead of stickers.
The Constitutional Court has inserted words into this section to "read down" the reverse-onus provision.
To insert words, one pressed a button causing the sentence to split in two.