He figures that with the inside connections that P-1 has, he ought to be able to make a killing.
He took shots at "businessmen with inside connections" who profit from the privatization of state companies.
A business deal of the size of Immortality's potential required an expert and an inside connection.
Thanks to his inside connections with the jazz world, he was able to report information about bands and their personnel with great accuracy.
Also the units have two "passthrough ports" that take an "inside connection" and provides a port on the outside of the unit.
"When scalpers demand hundreds of dollars for tickets, it means that only the wealthy or those with inside connections can get in."
The privatization largely shifted control of enterprises from state agencies to individuals with inside connections in the government system.
The renovation would eliminate the sale of transfers by constructing an inside connection from the shuttle to the A line.
Or at the very least, a sure thing with the right amount of planning, cunning, good looks and some sort of inside connection.
Or maybe he had an inside connection, or worse, he even worked there.