Bank Leu's Bahamian subsidiary, Bank Leu International, was used by Dennis Levine to handle most of his insider trades.
Third, companies should be required to report within a day or two all insider trades, including option exercises.
Bob Gabele, president of CDA/Investnet, which tracks insider trades and detected the recent trend, votes for profit-taking.
Naturally, a stock's recent moves strongly affect experts' views of insider trades, or the lack thereof.
For example, an insider trade made Feb. 15 must be reported by March 10.
Many investors follow the summaries of these insider trades in the hope that mimicking these trades will be profitable.
In practice the most likely victim of insider dealing is the market maker with whom the insider trades.
STOCK Act will prevent insider trades in Congrs & has my full suprt.
They entered advanced negotiations with two private equity firms to sell ABC; however, the sale was canceled because of an attempted insider trade to the FBI by an ex-employee.
They agreed to make insider trades to drive up the stock price and then split the profits.