But it is, to my mind, a much more dangerous and insidious type of fiction than Dallas for it poses as an exercise in statutory construction, when in fact it is nothing of the sort.
One particularly insidious type of virus - the retrovirus, which is the type that causes AIDS - must find a compatible host cell, invade it and sabotage it.
To exercise a high degree of control meant also to be able to manipulate the full range of humor; to create, ultimately, an insidious type of buffoon.
He was, for example, convinced that Tim Caveny, as a Papist, was an insidious type, but he had never discovered any other man with whom it was so comforting to work.
Mr. Goodstein called the action "the most insidious type of downsizing."
And for those authors like me who find themselves consigned to the redlined literary ghetto, it represents discrimination of the most insidious type.
While you may be taking steps to protect your computer from becoming infected by a virus, you may very well run into another, more insidious type of attack.
"This is an insidious type of situation," said one State Health Department official.
Her doctors believe she has an insidious type of heart disease, more common in women than men, that researchers are just beginning to understand.
While there were no reports of that happening, some Hmong said they faced a more insidious everyday type of discrimination.