But then again, as Hodgson notes in her insightful book, the pull of the drug is anything but logical.
These illustrations can be repetitive, but they make this insightful book readable.
As Michael Shapiro shows in his insightful book, "Japan," it is a challenge they can never entirely meet.
If in the end, the American effort in southern Afghanistan fails, this important and insightful book will explain why.
But this insightful book never shrinks from showing what a devastating nuisance it is.
That, it seems to me, is the considerable flaw at the heart of this otherwise eloquent and insightful book.
Those who decline to read this insightful book because of his political downfall are cheating themselves.
"It remains the most insightful, perceptive and fair-minded book ever written on the subject."
A very well written and insightful book.
"the most incredibly readable, enjoyable, laughable, enlightening and insightful book."