The most insightful comments were then added to a public version of the manuscript.
I guess Ars missed all the insightful comments 5-6 pages deep in the last article.
I wanted to please my parents, which your insightful comments helped me to see is impossible.
He also understood what journalists needed and was happy to provide insightful, witty comments for publication.
"Often, it's the lay people who come up with the most insightful comments because they're not in the professions and they have a fresh eye."
To us, this suggested that his insightful comments would appear on the paintings' labels.
What I appreciate most are the interesting and insightful comments we receive.
'That's a very insightful comment,' comes a pleasant voice from behind me.
Imagine the insightful comments that are even now fading from the memories of both speakers and listeners all over the world.
During our book club meeting, Joan made a number of insightful comments that really helped me to understand the novel better.