These are not insignificant sums and these figures are based on the lowest gross market rent figure of £166.28.
Fund-raising drives and successful investments have lifted its reserves from an insignificant sum 10 years ago to nearly $370,000.
I ask that you consider this insignificant sum as a present and think no more of it whatsoever.
An insignificant sum to give to a defenceless old man ruined for life by a deceased she- devil.
The Clean Water Act maximum is $50,000, an insignificant sum.
There were many insignificant sums to individuals and a large number of public charities.
He wrote Al a check for $1500.00 not an insignificant sum at that time.
"It's not the money," he said, but rather what he considers excessive auditing over insignificant sums.
Such relatively insignificant sums would be well below Mr. Pittman's review, executives said.
That's how much was spent on this team, which out-payrolled the Knicks, and not by an insignificant sum.