On a bare branch about 20 feet up an oak tree, a big dingy cowbird fledgling is calling insistently for food.
A shrike was calling insistently from the camphor tree by the gate, grating on her nerves.
In public statements and through diplomatic channels, the Soviet Union has been insistently calling for such negotiations.
The other screen was calling insistently.
Once the Administration became entangled in the fight for the plan, which they insistently called a jobs bill, they left themselves no room to retreat.
Some touch of the artist wells up within me, and calls insistently for a well-staged performance.
"Some candidates insistently call on people to take to the streets if the results of the vote are not in their favor," he added.
Mr. Muhammad insistently calls for blacks to disengage from whites at all levels.
Morocco at present is calling insistently at the gates of the European Union for help to achieve economic growth.
And so what he insistently calls "my decision" was, in truth, made for him in Washington.