Tyndale made several trips to personally inspect European factories this becoming very familiar with the whole art of pottery and porcelain making.
But he conceded that the process had been affected, particularly "inspecting factories, negotiating, continuing personal relationships."
Mr. Wilkerson said the university was likely to use professional firms, perhaps accounting firms, to inspect factories.
When company executives visited Qingdao, a city in northeastern China, to inspect factories, word leaked out.
She inspected factories and monitored working conditions for women and minors.
Mr. Tufts said having factories inspected every few months might not be enough to insure fair working conditions.
That association has created an elaborate plan to inspect factories around the world.
State and Federal labor officials could readily inspect factories and enforce the laws.
However, failing this, he and his retinue inspected schools, hospitals, factories, and churches.
The association would enforce the code and oversee independent monitors who would inspect factories for compliance.