The directive requires operators to inspect within 24 days and every 3000 flight cycles thereafter.
In addition, I inspected the data for potential outlier clones within populations that caused significant effects at the level of clone.
Officers may, at any time, enter upon and inspect a free trade zone and all buildings and goods within the zone.
Detective Dzikansky has concluded that inspecting bombing sites within an hour after an attack is invaluable.
At present, states are responsible for inspecting pharmacies within their borders.
Landlords should inspect the apartments for carpets within one month after a new tenant moves in.
He inspects all the crimes within the village and give punishments and he collects the tax of the villages for the government.
Federal and state regulators are supposed to inspect health care providers within three weeks after they apply to participate in Medicare.
Replied, saying I will ride to inspect the situation within the month.
If a centre is judged inadequate we will inspect it again within 12 months of the first inspection.