Thousands of dollars more can be spent on lawyers' fees, title searches, inspection costs and title insurance.
In each category, cost includes all costs to put the item in usable condition for its intended purpose including, among others, transportation, assembly, and inspection costs.
The inspection cost is usually between 75-130 US dollars (400-700 Norwegian Kroner).
That is one of the reasons why British inspection costs impose a higher burden on our producers.
Lease revenues thus exceed $50,000 annually or, conservatively, $35,000 after repairs, depreciation, fleet management and inspection costs.
So, he said, since virtually all proprietary leases provide that shareholders are responsible for the condition of their apartments' painted surfaces, co-ops may pass on the inspection cost to the apartment owner.
Lawmakers said today that they had agreed on the final details of a program to assist schools with their asbestos-removal costs by paying for some of their inspection costs.
Japanese owners were now liable for additional taxes paid yearly in addition to standard registration and inspection costs.
The inspection costs, for instance, are different across Europe.
Only after meeting these criteria should you discuss the inspection cost.