Common inspection methods for steel castings are magnetic particle testing and liquid penetrant testing.
Past internal inspection methods would require using a 2D X-ray of the component or the use of destructive testing.
At the same time, surveillance of the food supply has been cut sharply, and inspection methods have not kept up with the new hazards.
Current inspection methods -which rely on sight, smell and touch - are acknowledged to be of little value in detecting these pathogens.
Different welding methodologies, inspection methods, and metals are published under different codes.
This will reduce the need for ultrasonic and other non-visual inspection methods, saving time and money.
There is a guide to help providers prepare for inspection, giving information on inspection methods:
He said the administration anticipates that Iraq will use "cyber-intrusions to steal inspection methods, criteria and findings" from the inspectors' computers.
At the same time, surveillance of the food supply has been cut sharply and inspection methods are just beginning to catch up with the new hazards.
Are the Dutch authorities reviewing their inspection methods?