However, accreditation is not mandatory and inspections for compliance occur only every three years.
Similar inspections occur every three months but will be accelerated because of the recent problems, she said.
The most recent inspection had occurred on 14 September 2011, with several errors made in the records and inspection.
Its last periodic inspection had occurred on January 18, 1962 at 7,922 hours of air time.
In return, the bank is believed to have received information on when and at which branches inspections would occur.
The inspection should occur at a given point in time after the application of the developer.
Does any inspection occur before all the celebrating to make sure everything is legit?
The most recent inspection occurred on 30th and 31st of January 2013, and was given an overall rating of good.
When inspection happens, there must be sufficient notice before inspection occurs.
The last inspection occurred on January 8, 1976 (21 days before the fire).