Amalfi ignored them to search for an inspection port in the casing, found one, and opened it.
He activated the inner cold light, caught a handhold, and bent close to the tank's inspection port.
Passing the cell door, he casually flicked open the inspection port, glanced in perfunctorily and moved on.
Then he stopped dead, wheeled round and flung open the inspection port again.
Reinhart peered respectfully into the inspection port, through which he could see a dark form moving in the murk of the tank.
Here the two trouble-shooters opened an inspection port and squeezed into the engine compartment.
It is the inspection port to look at the customers.
Presently, he worked his way along the K-line of tanks, pausing only to peer into the inspection ports.
He stared somberly down at the flaring violet light of the inspection port.
A circular inspection port was open in the flat base of the bomb.