How much time do we need to give you to see if inspections can work for you to endorse the use of force if they don't?
Containment has worked for 10 years, and inspections could still work.
It's not up to you or me to say if the inspections are working.
But Mr. Clinton looked at the data and concluded that inspections and pressure were working - an view we now know was accurate.
The French may disagree, one official said, but their argument that the inspections are working to disarm Iraq "won't stand up to scrutiny."
They hoped to convince doubting Council nations that the inspections would not work to make Iraq abandon its weapons programs.
It's tempting to use the Dimona story to conclude that inspections can't work, even under nigh-ideal conditions.
We must bear in mind that the inspections are working because of the pressure on Saddam Hussein and the threat of armed intervention.
They've declared that inspections are working and should be given more time.
Clinton's argument at this point was that inspections were working and should be given more time.