The number of inspectors assigned to slaughter plants has dropped from about 8,400 to about 7,100.
An eighth inspector, no longer assigned to the market, was also charged, along with 13 employees of wholesalers.
Officials said there was no evidence of corruption among a new corps of inspectors assigned to restaurants in April.
Such inspections are intended to be a white-glove check of an airline's operation, above and beyond the surveillance by inspectors assigned to the airline.
In January, an inspector assigned to look into the incident was abruptly removed from the investigation and reassigned.
He also said the number of inspectors assigned to the liveries might be increased to 80 or more if officials thought they were needed.
He enlists the inspector originally assigned to Chagoo's death to test this theory.
At one point in 1991, according to Government figures, the country's environmental agency had seven inspectors assigned to 15,000 industries in Mexico City.
Days later Ghote meets the inspector assigned to inquiry and mentions the untidy state of the lost property room at the hill station.
The prosecutor calls the inspector assigned to the Desai case.