In the reports, the inspector general recommended several actions for the near-term.
A future inspector recommends it is the wrong route.
We purposefully avoid the inspector recommended by the real estate agent, even though he is $200 cheaper.
The company appealed against the decision, and the inspector hearing the appeal recommended that the Council's decision be upheld.
The inspector makes a report and recommends whether or not to add the building to the statutory list.
In 1981, postal inspectors recommended indicting the association on charges of misuse of nonprofit postage rates to sell commercial insurance.
The inspectors alone can recommend to the Security Council how much time they need to carry out the tasks entrusted to them.
The inspectors recommended that a set of blowers be installed to increase the efficiency of her boilers.
The other four provinces that the inspector general recommends essentially abandoning are also in the Shiite south.
The inspector general recommended that NovaStar pay penalties in the case.