Yet later in the 1990's, United Nations inspectors uncovered an animal vaccine plant that had been diverted to producing botulinum.
In turn, they said, the United States received information on Iraqi weapons programs that the inspectors uncovered.
With a growing list of murder suspects, the inspector uncovers fresh leads.
Americans overwhelmingly believed Hussein did have weapons of mass destruction: 85% said so, even though the inspectors had not uncovered those weapons.
Over time, a string of revelations challenged that explanation, even as inspectors eventually uncovered at least seven secret nuclear sites.
When such a notice is issued, parts of a mine are closed if an inspector uncovers a further safety violation, he said.
The resolution warns of unspecified action against Iran if the agency's inspectors uncover "further serious failures" in its disclosures about nuclear activities.
Mr. Kay denied reports that the inspectors had uncovered evidence that Iraq used a complex jet-nozzle method for enriching uranium.
Those inspectors also uncovered Iraq's VX program.
Pricewaterhouse officials defended their monitoring, saying their inspectors often uncover violations of minimum wage, overtime and safety laws.