Along with a reputation for clever and intimidating cheers, the students at Duke University relish their inspirational role in the performance of the school's basketball team.
Additionally, he continued to play an inspirational role in the lives of a number of young mathematicians.
Several of the Democrats, particularly Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware, emphasized the inspirational and political role a President could play in education reform.
She has played a similarly inspirational role for many women, a role that will only increase now that she has been named the first woman from Africa to win the peace prize.
He played an "inspirational role" in helping put Derry on the GAA map.
Bruce Springsteen plays an equally inspirational role in Bobbie Ann Mason's 1985 novel, "In Country."
In this respect, City of God is reminiscent of Goodfellas, a film that clearly played some inspirational role in this, director Fernando Meirelles debut film.
Her inspirational role is nothing but an attempt to find the self-affirmation she doesn't get in her own marriage.
But it was Steinem's inspirational role at Ms. that was the model for Ms. ' role with its readers.
Mr. Nureyev's inspirational role in 20th-century dance is above debate.