The album, according to many fans, shows the "true" side of Lil B, many noting the album's inspirational theme.
Spirit Zone - inspirational themes from all cultures and faiths.
Dolan also praised the song's inspirational theme.
His speech here was a compendium of inspirational themes and contemporary parables that he thinks should guide Americans and give them hope.
Lyrically, the record contains more optimistic and inspirational themes in comparison with the band's earlier releases.
What are some inspirational themes you would like to see treated in future books?
Signs of rebirth of the Philippine cinema arose by way of movies with inspirational themes.
During her five-month stay, she began to write a new studio album, using experiences she had gone through in recent months as inspirational themes.
Each of the eight tracks on this album has a religious or inspirational theme.
With their inspirational themes, these films seem hopelessly out of sync with the season's movie spirit.