Indeed, with some notable exceptions, attempts to be descriptive have not generally inspired composers to their most distinguished works.
It inspired many poets, painters, and composers.
Brigg is the source of several early recordings of English folk song, which subsequently inspired other composers.
In addition to authoring a late-18th-century bestseller, Benyovszky has inspired other established writers, poets, and composers.
It inspired many national and international composers to write for them.
These changes have required instrument makers to improve the quality of their product, and have inspired composers to write for a completely new genre of music.
One of their principal intentions is to inspire Hungarian and international composers to create new pieces.
This enduring story has inspired painters, composers and choreographers.
It will endure into the next millennium and inspire other composers".
It has inspired artists, poets and great composers for generations, and to this day few fail to leave enchanted.