This is where he adopted the blue ribbon badge, inspired by a line from The Bible.
According to the introduction the book's title was inspired by a line attributed to Democritus, "Everything existing in the universe is the fruit of chance and necessity."
The title is inspired by a line from David Lynch's Mulholland Drive.
Though having nothing to do with the movie, the title of "Miss the Pain" was inspired by a line in the movie Swingers.
Cooper has also said it was inspired by a line from a Bowery Boys movie.
The song's chorus has a lyric inspired by a line from the Pixies song "Bone Machine".
The title was inspired by a line in "Pieśń o Janku z Gdyni".
The chorus is inspired by a line from Ini Kamoze's "World A Music".
The title of the album was inspired by a line in the album's second single, "Ugly".
The name is inspired by a line from one of Rupam's lyrics: