It was an indie rock band that was heavily inspired by British indie bands.
The brothers have said they were inspired by bands such as Nirvana, Weezer and The Beatles.
However, the band themselves have stated they are inspired more by bands that they don't actually sound like.
Lind began writing songs during his senior year of high-school after being inspired by bands like Rancid and Green Day.
It was made in 1990, and was mostly inspired by bands like Talking Heads.
Cormier, when asked about his influences, stated: "In a lot of ways we get really inspired by non-metal bands.
Inspired by various bands and musicians throughout his life, today occupies an immovable in the band Sinergia.
Inspired by bands like Cream, Ariën took drum classes.
The sound of their self-titled release was inspired by bands such as U2 and Coldplay.
Their music can be described as rock music, inspired by bands such as The Clash and The Jam.