Tidyman's screenplay was inspired by reports of the real-life murder of Kitty Genovese, where people ignored the killing of a young woman in Queens in 1964.
Inspired by reports that Lebanese-Australians had assaulted two white lifeguards, text messages calling for a Lebanese "bashing day" appeared on thousands of cellphones.
The idea of Chris as a state auditor was inspired by real-life reports of government shutdowns amid the global financial crisis.
The series was inspired by the author's books and reports around the world.
The Communist Party was founded in Sydney in October 1920 by a group of socialists inspired by reports of the Russian Revolution.
The patrols were inspired by recent reports that those behind the World Trade Center bombing in 1993 had considered attacking Jewish neighborhoods.
Rabbi Lloyd had said his patrols were inspired by recent reports that those behind the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center had considered attacking Jewish neighborhoods.
Inspired by the diary and reports from prisoners, Telegin said, "Naturally, we sent a recon group to the bridge, who searched the site of the breakthrough attempt.
Jackson was also inspired by reports of youth-based communities throughout New York City, which were formed as a means of creating a common identity.
Many of the eruptions continued to be inspired by reports of cattle theft.