As an outer manifestation of the inner strength and richness Mr. Birch means to convey, this surface is an inspired invention.
But as for poor Ewasx-you/we were the inspired invention of the old captain-leader.
"Not my most inspired invention, I will admit, but it should suffice."
Alice is always being asked to repeat things, particularly poetry, and many of the most inspired comic inventions in the book begin as mistakes in repetition.
The Billie stereotype was really an inspired invention.
There are moments of inspired invention in "Apple Venus" and "The Orchid Show," which complete the trilogy.
Some of his more inspired comic inventions here come from finding ways to charm Dora away from the man she's supposed to marry.
Just another humble beginning to an inspired invention: a Web page devoted to culinary and social characteristics of the hot dog (
The question marks in chalk were one of his most inspired inventions.
Indeed, it is the ease of his academicism that marks these Quartets, rather than any inspired invention.