But Valentín's inspired play has made that a moot point.
Jefferson finished with a game-high 23 points, and his inspired play has Nets fans grinning.
In a way, Crosby's inspired play is a link to Ray, too.
But there may be more to Bertuzzi's inspired play the last two games.
As it was, Karp suggested, East could have found salvation with an inspired play at the first trick.
Even if games were played at nowhere near the pace of inspired international play, the formula was working.
There were periods of inspired play by the Rangers tonight.
But what he has in mind - better tackling, tighter coverage and more inspired play - could prove difficult to achieve.
The Lakers' victory was keyed by their inspired third-period play.
Even though he produced a new wrinkle, it only enabled him to hold out for three more moves against Seirawan's inspired play.