It is an inspiring event, likely to put a big lump in the throat of every spectator.
It generated huge media interest delving into their large, unusual and always inspiring events.
EgoPo cultivates an audience's appetite for, and appreciation of, profound, dramatic masterpieces by turning a night at the theater into a provocative, innovative and inspiring event.
It was the most patriotic and inspiring event that I've ever been a part of.
Witnessing sun setting is an inspiring event in itself but once the sun has drifted below the dunes a truly spectacular blanket of stars is revealed.
The most inspiring event since the Dome in fact.
It is a very inspiring event for all mankind that we have been able to reach the Moon.
"This was probably the most inspiring event of the war so far," said Capt. George Benson, whose armored battalion found the prisoners.
We'll be having Frederic Storm on the screen at eight tonight, and it should be an inspiring event.
Great article, great videos and obviously a really inspiring event!