It was a rather muted performance, less inspiring than his address to Congress in September.
Each delivered inspiring performances that exposed how a stance can shape what an artist thinks is the truth.
It won with superior team play and an inspiring performance from Murray, who led Cal with 28 points.
Ramos, who had another inspiring performance as the team's midfield general, was in awe of Valencia's move.
However, they proved their potential with some inspiring performances on their way to the Amlin Cup final.
They posted a 4-3 triumph over the Devils despite an inspiring performance by the home team.
He finished the game with 10 marks, 32 disposals and 4 goals in an inspiring performance.
Potvin's inspiring performances in his last season have been the key to the Islanders' defense.
They watched their goaltender allow two ugly goals in one of his less inspiring performances.
Terreri came up with another inspiring performance this afternoon to keep the Flyers without a victory here in four years.