The king has also installed a number of reform-minded technocrats in key positions and is responsible for running a largely fair parliamentary election last September.
German occupation authorities refused to recognize the Estonian government and Germans were installed in positions of authority.
Heavier artillery was initially installed in open positions.
Another four 4-inch and ten 12-pdr guns were installed in various strategic positions, mostly along the coastline, to provide inshore defence.
He has promoted his fellow coup plotters and installed military officers in high positions, including as his chief of staff.
Shran's installed his own people in key positions on this ship.
Until he died in 1912, Henry controlled his company town, installing relatives in positions of civic authority.
Grab bars can be installed in different positions:
It's over a thousand, installed in positions of power all over the empire.
On the negative side, as political opponents are only too ready to point out, Chevenement has installed his own men in key positions.