Why not, if that's all it would cost to add another warning system for pilots, to install more sophisticated radar at airports or to screen luggage for explosives?
Since the coast is frequently fogbound, the suggestion was made to install radar in the launch that plies between island and mainland.
We needed to relocate Mike's ballistic radars at old site and install doppler radar at new site-both jobs because we could expect attacks from space at old site.
I wished I could have a set like that on Sanford but it's difficult installing radar on a sailing vessel - there are too many lines to catch in the antenna.
Where needed, the Air Force will also dispatch units to install taxiway lights, radar and navigational equipment.
So: the Germans are installing radar in Bari.
In March 1946, the Old Bay Line installed radar on the City of Richmond and City of Norfolk, the first commercial passenger ships to be equipped with radar.
A group on air traffic control and weather noted that since January, 18 additional airports have installed radar to avoid collisions on runways and taxiways.
The western coastline is highly sensitive hence recently Government of India installed static radar and electro-optic sensors at Devgad Lighthouse as a part of first of a coastal surveillance network.
The Coast Guard installed long-range surveillance cameras, coastal radar and devices that automatically identify approaching vessels to help search out possible threats.