"Other communities have started to look at what Washington Township is doing, or are taking smaller steps, like installing sidewalks."
After we install new sidewalks and gaslights, it will look more like a little Katonah.
"People may be subjected to having sidewalks installed, street lights introduced," Mr. Bolger said.
The project cost $877,929 and installed park benches, new lighting, sidewalks and plantings along the highway.
"We had what came to be known as the 'chain saw massacre,' " he said, when a crew installing sidewalks took down many mature trees.
A $65 million project to install new water pipes, sidewalks, lighting and road from 59th to 110th Street is to take about 28 months.
The city would hire a company to install power-generating sidewalks throughout the city.
It planned the community, divided the land into blocks and building lots, and installed streets, sidewalks, power, water and sewage.
A city project to reconstruct sewers, streets and curbs also calls for installing or replacing sidewalks, often at homeowners' expense.
A state rule now being drafted would require all new housing developments to install sidewalks on both sides of the street.