He also was known for installing wells to provide clean drinking water and for traveling the countryside to care for sick babies.
Hexagon was fined repeatedly for chemical spills and was ordered to install water-monitoring wells, although it is not clear if the company ever did so.
Home builders must install septic tanks and wells, and arrange for private garbage collection.
Dr. Mellon worked on the medical staff at the outset but soon became heavily involved in community development, installing wells, water systems and roads.
Poverty prevents villages from installing wells causing people to travel three miles for dirty lake water that no one in the West would even think about drinking.
South Africa's Playpump project provides free clean drinking water by installing wells - each powered by a merry-go-round - in playgrounds or at primary schools.
In the rural areas, there are manually installed shallow wells (pitcher, jetmatic, baby artesian) and deep wells.
Last year, the authority spent $128 million to replace the support structure beneath a 2,500-foot stretch of tracks and install wells and pumps.
Currently, private landowners near the oasis have installed wells, in order to access the groundwater.
Akzo installed wells and ignited the gas, and company engineers say the flares should subside as water fills the mine.