If possible, track down the original installation discs (if the software is compatible with your new computer) and have them ready for your new laptop.
This was reviewed again in 2003, notably with a receiver with an installation disc which permitted the registration functions.
The installation can be done two ways: via an installation disc or over ftp, provided that the user can get an FTP daemon running on their Xbox.
The second disc serves as the "installation disc," which contains extra vehicle and track content, 1.9GB in total.
What do you do if you purchased Lion from the Mac App Store, have no installation disc or USB key, and are suddenly faced with a hard drive catastrophe?
For customized or retail media, there is a small difference on each type of disc that will allow that installation disc to accept only one type of product key.
Upgrades were achieved by sending the original installation discs back to Apple with a fee.
The manual and list of frequently asked questions, for example, are not in the box or on the initial installation disc.
The actual per-device functionality is defined via XML files that are downloaded when the device is first connected to the computer, or are provided by the manufacturer on an installation disc.
The game cannot be installed on 64-bit computers, because the DRM in the installation disc is 16-bit.