The Seward Johnson show in 2003 coincided with a critically acclaimed installation by the Washington artist Jim Sanborn exploring 1940's experiments with the atomic bomb.
That installation explored both actual and virtual space.
In 1999, his installation titled After my Death (1999) explored an imaginary death and contained video monologues of friends exploring memories related to life loving situations.
Other installations, including most notably 'Running Fence'(1976), have explored the surprising division of property by an artificial barrier.
His audio installations explore how sound can transform one's sense of place.
He works with HTML programming, installations and drawing techniques to explore the border between the digital and the analogue worlds.
Her installations explore real scents; that is, body odors and city fumes.
His concerts and installations explore the spatial and architectural aspect that sound can evoke and the twisting of technology.
An installation shown in Chelsea last season explored the class hierarchies produced by ethnic mixing in the New World centuries ago.
The installation will explore themes of personal triumph and the inevitably of being replaced by younger talent.