Installing a living garden atop a sign requires more work than what usually goes into typical billboard.
Last month the city installed an 18-inch plastic owl atop a building near the birds to frighten them.
The next day saw the third stage transported to the silo, and installed atop the rocket.
The gilded piece was installed atop the building in 1938 when a new capitol was built.
Subsequently a bell was installed atop Oevenum's school house to warn the people in case of fire.
Her last project was installed in a man-made ice cave atop the Matterhorn.
A hot tub is being installed atop the wheelhouse.
An identical set of signalling apparatus is installed atop the lighthouse itself.
This was also the first version of the attraction to be installed at ground level instead of atop an elevated platform.
Both sides appear to be moving toward creation of a replica to be installed atop the original fire station, now an office building.