There is also little proof that consumers care much about the wide selection or instant availability of movies downloaded from the Web, especially if a movie isn't cheaper than buying a DVD.
The applications are based on the concept of a smarter life, e.g. a lifestyle that benefits from the instant availability of relevant information, more interconnectedness between devices fitted with all sorts of sensors, and intuitive usability.
Their value is in their low per-map cost, the minimal amount of storage space needed for the CD's and their instant availability.
Patrick also appreciated the orders instant availability to any instructions of the Catholic Church and the family like atmosphere within the Congregation.
Hybrid/electric assist vehicles experience almost no delay in power from a stop, due to the instant availability of power from the traction battery to the electric motor(s).
Build to Order gave customers choice, simplified the inventory, and gave instant availability of components and configurations.
The advantages are instant availability, portability and complete exposure integration.
Build to Order gave customer choice, simplified inventory, and instant availability.
Given the instant availability of fare and benefits information on the Internet, a lot of frequent fliers (myself included) have become "free agents," Mr. Petersen said.
Journalism has since been transformed by sound, motion, color and, in an age of http://www, instant availability.