The magnitude of the centripetal force depends on the instantaneous speed.
As has been said many other times, it isn't the total monthly volume that causes congestion, but the instantaneous speed.
A speedometer or a speed meter is a gauge that measures and displays the instantaneous speed of a land vehicle.
If you calculate the instantaneous speed of electron using the theoretical models, it comes out to be the velocity of light.
However, we cannot measure instantaneous speeds, but only speed averaged over some time scale by measuring position at two instants of time.
How can we speak of instantaneous speed, since the very concept of speed requires movement through space and time?
The velocity then is distinct from the instantaneous speed which is the time rate of change of the distance traveled along a specific path.
By looking at a speedometer, one can read the speed of a car at any instant, or its instantaneous speed.
Different from instantaneous speed, average speed is defined as the total distance covered over the time interval.
The magnitude of the instantaneous velocity is the instantaneous speed.