She considered following him, just to escape this room herself, but instantly abandoned the idea.
Either you will instantly abandon all your schemes, or (cost what it may) I will denounce you to the police.
But a little, cramped valley came hurling up with such terrific speed that he abandoned that maneuver instantly.
Here Ralph looked at Camilla and instantly abandoned Alleyn.
Kirk instantly abandoned his growing resentment of Jane-way's probing, and, just as quickly, she appeared to set her argument aside.
He instantly abandoned the attack and rode back to support his right wing but arrived only in time to join in the general retreat.
"Black Tom" gladly and instantly abandoned the siege and marched northward to give battle to the King.
They instantly abandoned their board game and all three of them dove under the covers.
Instead, the Baron instantly abandoned his own comrades-in-arms, even as they were scrambling to abandon him.
My generous friend reassured the suppliant, and on being informed of the name of her lover, instantly abandoned his pursuit.