It's an instantly addictive song built from a muscular rhythm and a few well-placed synthesizer notes.
Authorities warned that crack was instantly addictive and spreading rapidly, and predicted that a generation of crack babies would bear the drug's imprint.
Crack is not instantly addictive.
Every knowledgeable medical source I have researched says that crack is instantly addictive from the first or second "rock" that is smoked.
Substance D is instantly addictive, beginning with a pleasant euphoria which is quickly replaced with increasing confusion, hallucinations and eventually total psychosis.
SubstanceD is instantly addictive.
He wants me to make something so good, so distractingly attractive, that it's instantly addictive.
Andy Kellman of Allmusic described the song as a "crunk-meets-R&B foundation" which features an "instantly addictive eight-note keyboard vamp".
Don't even try it once," or "Crack cocaine is instantly addictive.
Instantly addictive and dirt cheap.