In the early months of 1881, all but three families were evicted from their claims and resettled in a shantytown in Saint Paul which was instantly dubbed Swede Hollow.
During a match between Doink and Randy Savage on Monday Night Raw, Giroux climbed out from under the ring dressed like a miniature version of Randy Savage (instantly dubbed the Macho Midget).
It was instantly dubbed "Flopnik," "Kaputnik," and "Stayputnik."
The French had instantly dubbed them "marmites" after the cast-iron soup pot that sits on every French stove.
They were instantly dubbed Mondrian, although they were in fact more like Braque or Picasso.
It had been instantly dubbed the Quark Hotel.
I knew the basic lessons and was instantly dubbed the class genius.
He was instantly dubbed the nickname "El Duquecito" due to the similar pitching style of Orlando Hernandez.
He was instantly dubbed a male waif.