It will instantly evoke lyrics like: Abra, abracadabra I wanna reach out and grab ya.
Traditional hunter's clothing, Mr. Culhane explained, was the black and red check plaid that instantly evokes Paul Bunyan and his big ox, Babe.
She was the perfect innocent, an attractive and pregnant female who would instantly evoke sympathy.
And where better to find it than this place that instantly evokes the belle époque, the glorious period from the 1880's until World War I immortalized by Proust.
She opened with a stiff cotton coat fastened with turn-key locks, a style that instantly evoked the early 1960's and the American sportswear maverick Bonnie Cashin.
Though it is tempting to reach for nutmeg or cinnamon, we prefer spices that don't instantly evoke Thanksgivings past.
(For years the Good Humor truck that was permanently parked alongside the Guggenheim Museum could instantly evoke my childhood, madeleine style.)
They instantly evoke forms like checkerboards, Oriental rugs, Mexican blankets, cosmological charts and diagrams: geometries laden with meanings and historical associations.
Little did I know that one day the word Chianti would instantly evoke the most wrenchingly beautiful landscape I know.
Perhaps because they instantly evoke the dead, the smashed cars and fire trucks create their own aura of silence and awe on the dusty hill.