Fueled by the resin used to preserve the mummies, the ancient remains ignited instantly.
In under a minute it reached and covered the entire city, instantly igniting everything flammable with which it came in contact.
The jellied gasoline ignited instantly upon impact, splashing the troops huddled behind the barricade.
The gasoline vapor filling the van ignited instantly with a solid whump!
The impaled sec man grappled with empty air and slumped onto the brazier, his clothes instantly igniting.
She wasn't attractive; nonetheless, the nature of the chance opportunity instantly ignited his need.
The stricken expression on his face instantly ignited the aura of fear and suspicion that had overspread the submarine.
There came an explosion and a blaze of flame as our ship struck the ground and its engines blew up, the fuel oil igniting instantly.
The body ignited instantly, but the flames were only an effete mockery of the incendiary heat which had consumed Lawrence.
Dynamite explodes after a short delay, while whiskey bombs instantly ignite when they hit the ground.